Saturday, February 23, 2013


introducing you to one of my best best best ally, her name is Claudia :)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Trip to Jogjakarta; Day 1.

Due to the flood here in Jakarta that caused no electricity i didn't post for quite a long time. here are a few  photos when i went to Jogjakarta, which was my first trip to go to another part of the world in my country, Indonesia. 

 white cotton fluffy clouds <3

I took this train to bring my family and i saw around Borobudur.

 with my beloved brother :)

 BOROBUDUR, one of seven wonder in the world!

 that all call "Stupa".

 after walked inside and around Borobudur, we finally felt hungry. we randomly chose a small restaurant. in Jogjakarta, all food thingy are so cheap!
 Then, we stopped at Museum Ullen Sentalu, where you can learn Jogjakarta's culture and their Sultan from hundred years ago. To go there, from Mallioboro, you need about 2hours to get there, i know it is tiring, but it is worthwhile with the art and the paintings inside. I didn't take picture of the paintings there, bcs it was prohibited for their copyright, and their natural colour, i only could take picture of their park (pict : down).